When exploring the source, altogether with law and the problems, of economic development, this study connects political views with economic method in this new subject. 应建立国家经济学,把政治观念与新古典的分析方法结合起来,探讨经济发展的源泉,揭示经济发展规律.研究经济发展问题。
Law of uneven economic and political development of capitalism in imperialist period 帝国主义时期资本主义经济政治发展不平衡规律
Expanding the field of economic work study from economic growth to economic development accords with the general law of global economic development. 把对经济工作考察的视野从经济增长扩大到经济发展,这符合世界经济发展的一般规律。
The economic and social development strategy, which is whether according with the national conditions, the law of economic development and the international economic development trend or not, directly decided the economic development speed, level and quality over a period of a country. 经济社会发展战略是否符合国情,是否符合经济社会发展的规律,直接决定着一个国家一定时期内经济的发展速度、水平和质量。
The Law of Human Demand: Basic Law of Economic Development in History 需求法则&历史经济发展的基本规律
However, this kind of predatory policy operated against the natural law of economic development, and against people's principal of survival, and ended in failure at last. 然而这一掠夺性的政策违反了经济发展的规律,并且与沦陷区民众的生存原则相悖,最终归于失败。
Its must suit law of market economic development, on the basis handle of market economic development law the Chinese sports industry, structures and perfects diversify sustain system of the Chinese sports industry. 我国体育产业的发展必须适应市场经济发展的规律,按照市场经济发展规律办事,构建和完善我国体育产业发展的多元化支持体系。
The marketing-tendency in funding public universities is a process through which universities rebuild the modes, the mechanisms and the systems of their funding according to the law and the mechanism of economic development. 高等教育筹资市场化是指大学在市场经济条件下,依据市场经济运行的机制和规律,重构其筹资模式、运行机制和控制体系的过程。
To develop wholesale business of specialization, socialization, modernization is the necessary trend of national economic development and domestic demand, and is the law of economic development of commodity. 发展专业化、社会化、现代化的批发商业,是我国国民经济发展的必然趋势与内在要求,是现代商品经济发展的规律。
The effects of capital power theory in western economics are limited for developing countries although the theory reflects the basic law of economic development. 西方经济学中的资本动力论虽反映了经济发展的一般规律,但对发展中国家的指导作用是有限的。
The evolution of the developing views from economic growth, social development to sustainable development is the objective law of the social economic development, and also the only way for the development of China. 提出从以经济增长为核心到社会发展,再到可持续发展的发展观的演进,是社会经济发展的客观要求,也是中国发展的必由之路。
Based on the situation of our country, combining the inherent law of the economic development and in light of the development of the shipping industry, the dissertation analyzes the international shipping policy of our country. 本文主要立足于我国的情况,结合经济发展的内在规律,从航运业的发展着手,从历史与现实两个层面对我国国际航运政策进行分析、探讨。
This paper is intended to research the stochastic law of economic development in market economy. 本文探讨了市场经济下,经济发展的随机规律性;
The basic factor of the development of the coining industry of Qi Dan Nationality is the law of the economic development of the state besides the treat influence of the culture of the Han Nationality. 契丹本土铸币业的发展,除了受到汉族文化的巨大影响之外,最根本的因素还是本国经济发展规律在起作用。
Economy integration is the inexorable law of economic development; culture pluralism is the natural property of cultural development. 经济一体化是经济发展的必然规律,文化多元化是文化发展的自然属性。
To develop mutton sheep industrialization and improve the whole benefit of the sheep husbandry, totally accord with the objective law of agricultural economic development. It is a important action that coordinates with the adjustment of agricultural structure. 发展肉羊产业化,提高养羊业的整体效益,完全符合我国农业经济发展的客观规律,是配合农业产业结构调整,提高农业经济水平,推动农业发展的重要举措。
Since finance plays a key role in modern economy, the urgent matter for us is to establish a rural financial system in conformity with the objective law of rural economic development. 金融是现代经济的核心,建立符合农村经济发展客观规律的农村金融体系,乃当务之急。
Efforts to create a scientific and standardized tax audit law enforcement environment, the promotion of economic development are of great significance. 努力营造一个科学和规范的税务稽查执法环境,对促进经济发展具有重要的意义。
According to the law of economic and social development and the experience of developed countries, urban and rural integration will be the trend of our future relations between urban and rural areas, this paper attempts to prove this tendency by empirical analysis. 从经济社会发展规律和发达家的发展经验来看,城乡融合将是我国未来城乡关系的发展总趋势,本文试图从实证角度来论证这一发展趋势。
Analyze the law of industry upgrading, the economic development of each region to a certain stage, bound to the requirements of industry upgrading and transformation, which is the general law can not be avoided. 从产业成长升级的规律来分析,每一个地区的经济发展到一定阶段,必然会出现产业升级转型的要求,这是无法回避的一般规律。
The construction does not ignore the law of nature nor stagnate economic development in protecting environment, whose objective is to come to a win-win situation for a sustainable development of human society. 既不因发展经济忽略自然的存在价值和规律,又不因保护环境而使经济发展停滞,要求走出经济和生态的双赢局面,以此指导人类社会的永续发展。
Unregistered trademarks of the existence of inevitable reasonable, in line with the law of economic development should be subject to the protection of our laws. 未注册商标的存在有其必然的合理性,符合经济的发展规律,理应受到我国法律的保护。
Synergetic development of three industries in our country which follow the evolution of industrial structure based on the law, changes in the way of economic development is an important tool. 三次产业协同发展是我国在遵循产业结构演进规律基础上、经济发展方式发生转变的重要手段。
Urbanization is the common law of economic development of every countries, and it is also a natural phenomenon accompanied by industrialization. 城市化是经济发展的一个趋势,是随着工业化的发展而产生的必然现象。
What a common law of the economic development of countries in the world is that when a country is in an economy take-off stage, railway often has an leading role for economic growth, also railway has had a clear period of great development in history. 世界各国经济发展的一个共同规律是,当一个国家处于经济起飞阶段时,铁路对于经济增长往往具有先导性的带动作用,铁路在历史上都有过明显的大发展时期。
The external factors are as follows: economics, politics, culture and other factors. The success of legal transplant needs the objective law of the economic development, at the same time with the political support and the cultural identity. 外部因素包括经济、政治、文化等因素,法律移植的成功需要符合经济发展的客观规律,同时也需要政治的支持和文化的认同。
Solution of environmental problems is not only the goal of environmental resources protection law, including the patent law of promoting economic development through encouraging innovation and promoting scientific and technological progress, but also needs to adapt to this change and carry out ecological transformation. 环境问题的解决并非只是环境资源保护法律要实现的目标,包括鼓励发明创造和推动科技进步从而促进经济发展的专利法,也需要适应这种变化,进行生态化改造。
Regional economic integration is the inexorable law of economic development; the achievement of it is based on transport integration as the most important condition. 区域经济一体化是经济发展的必然规律,交通一体化是实现区域经济一体化的最重要的基础条件。
With the gradual deepening understanding the law of the economic development, it is recognized by most countries that the economic development is instead of economic growth and improves the quality of economic development. 随着人们对经济社会发展规律认识的逐步深入,经济发展取代经济增长,已经成为人们的共识。
Promoting the construction of modern agriculture is a key initiative to improve agricultural comprehensive productivity complying with the objective law of our economic development. 推进现代农业建设是符合我国经济发展客观规律的,是提高农业综合生产力的关键举措。